YT Investor Services S.A. is a public limited liability company (société anonyme), incorporated and existing under the laws of Luxembourg with registered office at 9-11 Grand-Rue, L-1661 Luxembourg, and registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register of Luxembourg under number B 195854. YT Investor Services S.A. is a professional of the financial sector and is licensed to perform the activity of registrar agent as disciplined in article 25 of the law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “the Law of 1993”), of family office according to article 28-6 of the Law of 1993, of corporate domiciliation agent according to article 28-9 of the Law of 1993, of professional providing company incorporation and management services according to article 28-10 of the Law of 1993, of client communication agent according to article 29-1 of the Law of 1993 and administrative agent of the financial sector according to article 29-2 of the Law of 1993. The Company is supervised by the CSSF. Furthermore, YT Investor Services S.A. is authorized as economic advisor with Business Licence n. 10057867/0.
We will communicate with you by e-mail, post, fax or telephone.
Unless you notify us otherwise in writing, we will assume that you are satisfied for us to communicate by e-mail or fax, although we cannot guarantee the security or confidentiality of such communications. It is your responsibility to ensure that communications to the fax number or e-mail address you give us are secure.
The content of the present website is available for information purposes only, do not constitute in any manner an offer and should not be relied upon as constituting legal or other professional advice. An advice must be obtained from a qualified professional before applying the information to particular circumstances. The information contained in the website is provided on a purely indicative basis. No guarantee is given as to whether the information published is complete, accurate or current. YT Investor Services S.A. will not be liable for direct or indirect losses that may arise out of the use of the present website or in consequence of action taken or refrained from in reliance on any of its contents.
The Luxembourg anti-money laundering regulations impose obligations on us to obtain sufficient knowledge of clients, their identity, their business and the nature of funds. The rules also require us, under certain conditions, to report any suspicious activity where we know or suspect that money or property is the subject of money laundering or terrorism financing. In the event that we have any such suspicion, our obligation to report to the authorities will prevail. This legal duty overrides any duty of secrecy that we owe you as our client. We cannot accept any liability for loss where it arises as a result of any such disclosure to the authorities.
We are bound by strict professional secrecy rules under Luxembourg law and, accordingly, we will treat all information about your business and affairs as confidential (unless we are required to disclose any information by law or by agreement with you).
The present website may contain links to third party sites and the inclusion of a link in no way implies that YT Investor Services S.A. agrees with the contents of the linked site. YT Investor Services S.A. shall not be held liable for the contents, services, products or material offered at a website linked to the present website.
All material on this website is protected by copyright, subject to any rights accruing to third parties. You may not reproduce (either in full or in part), transmit (electronically or by any other means), alter, create a link to, or use the website for public or commercial use of any kind without our written permission.